
This content provides a list of Fabric Defects with simple explanations. This is ahelpful tool in making visual fabric evaluations. This list should be providedto inspectors as a practical tool for achieving uniform inspection decisions.


Barre   横裆疵

In knits, a conditiongenerally characterized by a somewhat patterned unevenness-of-appearance in thecourse or widthwise direction of a fabric. Some causes are uneven yarn, uneventension and yarns having different dye affinities


Bad Place   坏地

A term convenient to use fordefects that sometimes defy description. Usually used to describe localizedplaces where the weave has been severely disrupted.


Bias (also skew)   斜纹疵(参考纬斜)

In wovens, where the fillingyarns are off-square to the warp ends; in knits, where the course areoff-square to the wales.


Birdseye Defect   鸟眼花纹疵

In knits, the occasional anderratic appearance of tucked stitched contrary to the design of the fabric.


Bow   弓弧

In wovens, where the fillingyarns lie in arc across the width of the fabric; in knits, where the courseslie in an arc across the width of the fabric.


Broken End 断头疵

Where a warp yarn hasruptured and been repaired - often characterized by the broken end being woveninto the fabric.


Broken Color Pattern   花纹错色疵

In wovens, a break in thecontinuity of design, caused either by a mistake in the drawing of the colorpattern through the loom harness, or improper resetting of the filling patternchain after servicing the loom for a filling break. In knits, the result of amistake in creeling.


Broken pick 断纬疵

Where a filling break leavesa pick missing for a portion of the width of the fabric.


Bruise (see also temple bruise)   擦伤疵(参考边撑疵)

A condition where the yarnwhile being woven, or the fabric after being woven, has been scuffed so as todisorient the fibers and result in a fuzzy appearance.


Burl mark 斑点疵

A distortion resulting fromsome superfluous material such as a thick slub, waste, or wild yarn beingremoved with a burling tool.


Buttonhole selvage   吊边疵

A selvage defect caused byexcessive tension buildup in the shuttle just before filling change. Thistension tends to restrict the selvage yarns from proper shedding andinterlacing, resulting in a defect resembling a buttonhole.


Chafed Yarn   擦伤纱

Yarn that has been scuffedby abrasion, disorienting the fibers and leaving the yarn fuzzy. This willaffect the dyeability and often result in warp streaks or filling bands.


Chopped Filling   碎裂纬纱

An unevenness in the fillingdirection characterized by a distinct or measured pattern resulting from theeccentric behavior of a drafting roll.


Clip mark   破洞疵

An undyed place resultingfrom a metal clip being used on the edge of a fabric to prevent or correct aselvage turndown during dyeing.


Coarse End 粗经疵

An end whose diameter isnoticeably greater than that normal to the fabric.


Coarse Pick 粗纬疵

A pick of filling whosediameter is noticeably greater than that normal to the fabric.


Coarse Yarn 粗支纱疵

A yarn whose diameter isnoticeably greater than that normal to the fabric.


Cockled Fabric   起皱织物疵

In knits, crinkled,shriveled or ridgy fabric that will not lie flat on the cutting table. May becaused by irregular twist in the yarns, uneven tension during knitting orvarying degrees of reaction by the yarns within the fabric to the finishingprocesses.


Cockled Yarn   扭结纱疵

A yarn in which som e fibersappear wild or tightly curled and disoriented. This is the result of somefibers being too long for draft roll settings so that the succeeding roll gripsthe fiber before the preceding roll releases it, causing the fiber to snap andcurl. Cockled yarn often appears as tiny slubs in the fabric.


Color Fly 彩色飞花织入疵

Fibers of a different colorappearing in a yarn or fabric as contamination.


Color Misdraw   色纱穿错疵

In wovens, the drawing ofcolored yarns through the loom harness contrary to the color pattern and/orweave design. In warp knits, the drawing of colored yarns through the guidebars contrary to the pattern design.


Color Out   脱浆疵

In printing, when the colorpaste runs low in the reservoir resulting in blank skips in the print pattern.


Color Smear 拖浆疵

In printing, when the coloris smeared, distorting the pattern.


Compactor Crease   硬摺痕疵

In knits, hardset creasesresulting from the introduction of wrinkled fabric into the shrinkage controland stabilization process.


Corrugation (also sanforize corrugation)   起皱疵(参考预缩纹隐皱痕疵)

A washboard effect resultingfrom a malfunctioning sanforizer blanket.


Cover 盖面疵

A term used to describe theface of a fabric in relation to the amount of a warp of filling-show,prominence of design, or other desired characteristic achievable by varying theinfluence of one or the other of the two yarn systems.


Crease   折痕疵

A place where a fabric hasbeen folded on itself under pressure.


Crease Streak   皱折条花疵

The visual after-effect of acrease occurring the dyeing or finishing processes.


Damaged 破损疵

The condition of a fabricrendered unusable for its intended use.


Doctor Streak   刀口痕纹疵

In prints, a narrow,oscillating length-wise streak resulting from a damaged doctor blade.


Double End 双经纱疵

Two ends where only one iscalled for by the design of the fabric.


Double Pick 双纬纱疵

Two picks in a single shedwhere only one is called for by the design of the fabric.


Doubling 成双疵

A filling yarn twice thenormal size due to two ends of roving running together into a single end ofspinning. The same occurrence in warp yarn would result in a coarse end.


Dragging End   拖尾疵

In warp knits, an end beingknit under erratic tension due to its being entangled and/or trapped on thewarp beam.


Drawback 松紧条痕疵

A defect resulting fromexcessive tension gradually applied to a number of warp yarns by some abnormalrestriction; when the restriction is removed, the excess slack is wovengradually into the fabric.


Dropped Pick   低垂纬纱疵

This is the result of thefilling insertion mechanism on a shuttleless loom not holding and releasing thefilling yarn too soon. This allows the yarn to snap into the body, leaving amissing pick part-way across the width of the fabric. The released pick is thenwoven into the fabric. The released pick is then woven into the fabric in asomewhat tangled mass.


Dye Streak 染色条花疵

Streaks related to dyestuff,its application to, or absorption by the fabric.


End Out 缺经疵

A missing warp yarn.


Filling band   纬向条痕疵

A visually perceptible bandacross the width of the fabric directly attributable to a difference in thechemical or physical characteristics of the filling.


Filling Floats (see also shed-splitting, undershots and overshots)   纬向跳花疵 (参考纬跳纱、上跳花疵以及下跳花疵)

Picks of filling extendingunbound over or under warp ends with which they should have been interlaced.


Fine End 细经纱疵

An end whose diameter isnoticeably smaller than that normal to the fabric.


Fine Yarn 细支纱疵

In knits, a yarn whosediameter is noticeably smaller than that normal to the fabric, usuallyresulting in finelined cracks in the course or widthwise direction.


Flat 叠经疵

A misdraw in a plain weaveresulting in two ends weaving as one and opposing two other ends weaving asone.


Float (see warp float, filling float and skip stitch)   跳花疵(参考经向跳花疵、纬向跳花疵以及跳针)

A thread extending unboundover or under threads of the opposite yarn system with which it should havebeen interlaced.


Foreign Fiber   外来纤维

Fiber, other than thatcommon to a fabric, existing as contamination; it may be confined to a singleyarn or be distributed randomly.


Foreign Matter   外来杂质

Contamination by somesubstance other than fiber.


Fuzz Balls 起球疵

Balls of fiber encirclingthe warp yarn formed by the abrasion of the loom. These usually result from thelack of sufficient sizing material on the warp yarns, causing what generally isreferred to as a "soft warp".


Gout 飞花回丝等杂物织入疵

An accumulation of shortfiber or fly spun into the yarn or drawn into the loom shed. This defectdiffers from slubs in that slubs generally are symmetrical in shape while goutsappear as undrafted lumps.


Halo 晕圈疵

A light place encircling adefect resulting from dye migration to the defect during drying.


Hang Pick (also loopy filling) 三角形破洞疵(参考缩纡疵)

A pick of filling hangingfor a split second on a warp knot or other protrusion until freed by the strokeof the reed. This results in a short loop of filling appearing on the face ofthe fabric.


Hang Thread 悬线疵

A thread left hanging on theface of a fabric. The most common cause is the failure of a weaver to clip theexcess yarn after repairing a broken end and/or the cloth inspector's failureto remove the excess yarn.


Hard Size 浆斑疵

A place in a fabriccharacterizes by a harsh, stiff hand and cloudy, uneven appearance. This ismost common in mill-finished yarn-dyes and is the result of a slasher stop thatallows excessive amounts of sizing material to harden onto the yarn. Thisgenerally appears in bands across the width of the fabric.


Harness Balk   错组织疵

An isolated failure of aloom harness to move in its prescribed sequence, causing a pick of filling tofloat over certain warp ends with which it should have interlaced.


Harness Breakdown   落综档疵

A place where a harnessceases to function, resulting in the ends drawn through that harness floatingeither to the face or back of the fabric.


Harness Misdraw   综光穿错

Where one or more ends aredrawn through the harness contrary to the design of the weave.


Hole 破洞疵

Self descriptive.


Jerk-in 拉入疵

An extra piece of fillingyarn jerked by the shuttle into the fabric along with a regular pick offilling. On conventional looms they generally are confined to the battery side,the most common cause being the failure of the thread-holding mechanism to holdthe filling from the out-going bobbin long enough for the temple thread cutterto cut the yarn after a filling change.


Kinky Filling   扭结纬纱疵

A place in a fabric where apick of filling has been given enough slack to twist on itself for a shortdistance. Causes are: shuttle not boxing properly, a malfunctioning fillingfork, too much power on the picker stick , excessive twist in yarn, inadequatesetting of filling twist, etc.


Knot 打结疵

A place where two ends ofyarn have been tied together.


Loom Bar 换纡纬档疵

A change in shade across thewidth of a fabric, resulting from a buildup of tension in the shuttle before afilling change. This is most common on yarn-dyed fabrics.


Loom Waste 飞花织入疵

A place in a fabric whereaccumulated waste off the loom has found its way into the fabric either by aircurrent or loom shuttle.


Loopy Filling (also hang pick) 缩纡疵(参考三角形破洞疵)

A pick of filling hangingfor a split second on a warp knot or other protrusion until freed by the strokeof the reed. This results in a short loop of filling appearing on the face ofthe fabric.


Loose Course   松眼横列疵

In knits, a course whoseloops are more extended than normal, due to a lack of correct tension on theyarn.


Machine Stop   停车色档疵

A term used to describe thevisible evidence of a fabric having been stopped in some machine during thedyeing and finishing process. Generally it appears as glaring shade changesacross the width of the fabric.


Mat-up 经向蛛网疵

A place where the warp yarnshave become entangled so as to disrupt the proper interlacing of warp andfilling. This can be caused by a loom failing to stop when an end breaks, orthe introduction of a piece of wild yarn from some other source. Mat-ups mayrange in severity from minor to vary damaging.


Misdraw (Harness)   穿错-综光

Where one or more ends aredrawn through the reed contrary to the design.


Misdraw (Reed)   穿错-钢筘

Where one or more ends aredrawn through the reed contrary to the design.


Misdraw (Color)   穿错-色纱

In wovens, the drawing ofcolored yarns through the loom harness contrary to the color pattern and/orweave design. In warp knits, the drawing of colored yarns through the guidebars contrary to the pattern design.


Mispick 缺纬疵

Where the weave design isbroken by the absence of a pick of filling.


Missing Yarn   漏纱疵

In knits, the absence of ayarn, often resulting from a machine continuing to run after a yarn breaks.


Miss-selection   漏选疵

In knits, where th e designis corrupted by the random dropping of stitches. This can result from stickingjacks or the erratic behavior of a yarn feed.


Mixed Filling   混纬疵

A visible widthwise bandresulting from filling that differs from that normal to the fabric.


Mixed Yarn 混纺纱疵

Yarn that is alien to afabric because of its peculiar chemical or physical characteristics.


Mottled 多斑疵

A term used to describe a blotchyor spotty appearance resulting from the uneven application of color to afabric, or the uneven acceptance of color by a fabric.


Needle Line 条花疵

In knits, a vertical crackresulting from a bent needle. The design is intact but the uniform placement ofwales is distorted.


Neppiness 粒结疵

An excessive amount oftangled masses of fiber (neps) appearing on the face of a fabric.


Open Reed (also reed mark) 筘痕疵(参考筘路疵)

A defect resulting from abent reed wire, characterized by a fine-lined thin place in the warp direction.


Out of Register   对花不准

In printing, patterndistortion due to lack of synchronization of the printing rolls.


Overshot 跳花疵

A pick of filling deflectedfrom its normal path through the shed and extending unbound over warp ends withwhich it should have interlaced. This condition is most common within twelve tofifteen inches of the selvage and results from improper loom setting.

这种情况指的是,纬纱偏离了它的常规路径,并且没有与经纱在它们本来应该交错的地方相交错,而是在经纱之上自由伸展。这         种缺陷最容易出现在距离织物织边十二到十五英寸范围以内的地方,而且是由于织布机设置不正确所造成的。

Pattern Defect   花纹缺陷

In wovens, the formation ofinterlaces or the insertion of color contrary to the design of the fabric,resulting from a machine malfunction or the incorrect placement of colored yarnin the harness of the loom. In knits, the formation of stitches or theinsertion of color contrary to the design of the fabric, resulting from amachine malfunction or the incorrect placement of colored yarn in the creel.


Pin Holes 针洞疵

These are holes common to afabric run over a pin-tenter and become a defect when they venture too far infrom the selvage and enlarge or tear.


Press off 脱套疵

In knits, a condition wherethe fabric fails to knit and either falls off the machine or the design iscompletely disrupted and destroyed.


Pucker (also sanforize pucker)   皱纹疵(参考预缩皱痕疵)

A warpwise distortionresulting from uneven wetting-out during sanforization, generally due to faultyspray heads. It may appear as a wavy selvage or affect any other area of thefabric. Confined to one spray head, the pucker generally is eight to ten incheswide.


Reed Misdraw   钢筘穿错疵

Where one or more ends aredrawn through the reed contrary to design.


Reed mark (also open reed) 筘路疵(参考筘痕疵)

A defect resulting from abent reed wire, characterized by a fine-lined thin place in the warp direction.


Reed Streak 筘路条花疵

A warpwise defectattributable to a bad reed. It may appear as light and heavy streaks due touneven placement of the yarn, or it may scuff the yarn varying its affinity fordye.


Reedy 筘片缺陷

A condition chacterized byopen streaks following the pattern of the reed wires. This can be the result ofa too-coarse reed, wrong reed-draw arrangement or improper setting of the loom.


Rough 布面毛糙

A term used to describe arough or crinkled appearance resulting from a broken needle or jack.


Sanforize Corrugation (also corrugation)   预缩纹隐皱痕疵(参考起皱疵)

A washboard effect resultingfrom a malfunctioning sanforizer blanket.


Sanforize Pucker (also pucker)   预缩皱痕疵(参考皱纹疵)

A warpwise distortionresulting from uneven wetting-out during sanforization, generally due to faultyspray heads. It may appear as a wavy selvage or affect any other area of thefabric. Confined to one spray head, the pucker generally is eight to ten incheswide.


Sanforize Roughness   预缩布面粗糙

A term used to describe arough or crinkled appearance resulting from over-sanforization.


Scrimp 折皱疵

A defect resulting from afabric being printed in a folded or creased condition so that the pattern isdestroyed when the fold or crease is opened or stretched out.
